First of all, let me just get this off my chest..................OMG, Brock is 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next year he will start driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get off the roads....I've seen the kid on video games and it's scary!!!!!!
Brock is a huge Tony Stewart fan so Grandma Judy made a special NASCAR cake for him. He of course was able to blow out all of the candles at once and then we ate cake...for breakfast! Actually it was about 11:30, so I guess you could say it was our lunch. We had a lot of people there...Aunt Joyce, Uncle Justin, Nano, Susie, Lois, Brooke, Makayla, Nana, Papa, Aunt Amy, Great Grandma Ford, Great Grandma Poling, Great Grandma Bales, Grandma Judy, Grandpa Don, Dad, Mom Jen and Jackson. Aunt Angie and the kids sent a card ahead of time so Brock had lots of very nice cards to open with $$$$ and a hat from GG Bales and a Tony Stewart blanket for his bed from Grandpa Don and Grandma Judy to go with the TS sheets he received from his Dad and I.
We had a great time with's some pictures of the whole group, I had to take a couple of pictures to get everyone in.
We had a wonderful time before we headed towards Ohio to the Holiday Inn "Water Park". We took a few photos...those to come in the next couple of days.
Again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROCK!!!! We love you very much and you are becoming a fine young man and maturing very quickly and we are very proud of you. Thank you for a wonderful week.