Monday, February 23, 2009
Making Daddy's Lunch

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
We were able to go yesterday to look at our tree and see how big it is getting. Below are some pictures that were taken.
Buds already on our tree...
We appreciate every one's support over the years and couldn't have made it as far as we have without every one's help. Thank you all for what you have done, the many talks, the listening without judging and forgiving all the mistakes we have made.
Loosing our baby in 2000 was difficult and only one person knows why we were not meant to be parents at that moment in our lives. In my heart, I believe He thought we were not ready and that our time was when we met Lois and Jackson. I'm grateful for Jackson and couldn't be happier to be his Mommy. He helps me answer why Joe and I lost our baby in 2000.
Even thought we were not able to ever hear our first baby cry, see him or her smile, hold our child in our arms or touch each of the fingers or toes, we heard a beating heart and saw a picture and the loss is still the same. I will forever wonder if we would have had a boy or a girl and how different my life would be today with an eight year old.
Thanks again to everyone who has given us support in the past and continues to provide encouraging words when needed. We love you all.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Ringman Wedding
Daddy (Ben) dancing with Riley.
Ben and Angie "feeding" each other cake...lets just say that the bride WON!!!
Picture taken at the church, before the alcohol...
Daddy and Jackson once they got home...
Jackson smiling, but with tears in his eyes because he didn't want to go to bed...
We had a wonderful weekend with everyone. Joe was able to go out with the boys Thursday night drinking. I spent most of Saturday sipping on water and taking Motrin due to my drinking on Friday, but overall we enjoyed every bit of the wedding preperations, the ceremony and the reception that followed.

Monday, February 09, 2009