Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home on Saturday, but exhausted

We made it home Saturday, the two of us were so tired we went right to the cough. The Tylenol with codeine helped Jackson and the lack of sleep the two nights before pushed me over the edge.

Joe and Brock were wonderful. They were both very quiet and helpful in so many ways. Joe, Brock and I went out for a nice dinner and Jackson't Nene (Lois) kept Jackson for a few hours. On Sunday she kept him again so we could do the first shopping trip. Thank you so much Lois for your help.

Posted by Jennifer

1 comment:

Ruby and Don said...

Glad to see you got to get some rest, that can be a real drain on a body when your little ones are sick. Your doing a great job. Love ya.