Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The trip so far...

Jackson is doing such a great job traveling, I could not be any more impressed on how well he is acting and behaving in the truck and in the hotels. We stayed in Ocala, FL last night and were swimming at 8:30 last the hot tub at the hotel. We also stopped this morning in Wildwood, FL at Grandpa's favorite place, the "75 Chrome Shop". Wow!!!! Hope you enjoy the few pictures I've taken so far.

Jackson and Midnight traveling...Jackson has either been playing with the trucks he brought or watching movies on the DVD player! Midnight is enjoying all the comfy blankets Jackson brought.

Jackson's reaction to the Chrome Shop...just like Grandpa's!!!

Jackson and Grandpa looking at the inside of a Semi with LOTS and LOTS of Chrome...

Posted by Jennifer


Anonymous said...

Looks like yo're having a great time! Jackson is going to be a world traveler in no time!

Enjoy your warm weather and think about us up here in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

Sorry it wouldn,t let me sign in and I didn't sign the comment, it's Nana and Papa!