Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 09, 2009

Our New Nephew!

Our new nephew is finally here, after almost a 3 week visit in Toledo Hospital, Amy finally had her new baby boy. Alexander James (AJ) was born on 3-3-09 at 4:46 in the afternoon. 9# 3oz and 21" long. Both are doing very well and are now home enjoying each other. We were able to visit Saturday, here are a few pictures:

Uncle Homey and AJ

Aunt Jen, Jackson and AJ

Jackson with August and Gabby

We were all very excited to see the new family member. Jackson was a little disappointed because he thought AJ would be able to get down on the floor and play like he does with his other cousins. Either way, AJ will grow up way too quickly and Jackson will be able to teach him all his bad habits.

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