Jackson is scheduled to have surgery next Friday, the 20th, to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He has been having problems breathing (more severe the times he was sick) but was told by his doctor that it would get better when he wasn't sick. After a check up with his ENT doctor for his tubes and him looking in his mouth, he discovered that Jackson's tonsils are extremely enlarged and very high in the back of his throat. He also thinks that Jackson may suffer from mild sleep apnea that he thinks may go away once the tonsils are removed.
The surgery will be at the Toledo Children's Hospital and is scheduled to start at 9am. Jackson will be required to stay at least one overnight with the possibility of another night based on how he does in recovery, the sleep apnea and his breathing. We will be on soft foods for two weeks and gradually work back into normal foods the following two weeks. I will keep everyone posted on his progress. I'm sure it will be a long two days for Mom, I know I will not sleep Thursday night before the surgery and then will not sleep while at the hospital Friday night.
If anyone has any good advise for me, I will take it.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and lots and lots of patience.

I want to tell you that Jackson is a BIG boy and he will do just fine. I understand that its not going to be easy but hang in there and now that its the best for him and all of you. He will be back to himself in no time.
I will be thinking of you all. I understand the sleeping but try to be rested so you can be strong for Jackson. WE love you all. Hugs and kisses.
Love -
Aunt GiGi and kids
Take a good book and maybe some CD's anything to keep you busy while he's in surgery! He'll do fine, and you will probably notice a huge difference in a lot of things after the tonsils and adnoids come out. (Sleeping, eating, talking) Love to all of you. Mom P.
I don't have much advice about the tonsil part, but Austin had his adnoids removed when he got his first set of tubes. I was a nervous wreck. The adnoids will be a breeze and I'm sure Jackson will do fine with his tonsil's being removed. It's going to be fun to eat popsicles after the surgery! And he'll feel so much better!
Hang in there Mom, you'll do just fine too! Be sure to check out the gift shop during surgery. It will keep your mind off things and you might find something cute to give Jackson for being such a big boy after surgery.
The best thing is the popsicles! don't forget the mom has to have the strength, so take care of yourself and let others help, too.
He will be the hit of the hospital, his smile, dimples and personality will win everyone over...
Love and prayers for strength and patience and our little patient too,
Mom Ford
Hope all went well today. Hope you have a speedy recovery Jackson!
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