Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Ringman Wedding

Here are some pictures from Ben and Angie's wedding / anniversary party from Friday:
The Poling Family, all dressed up!!!
Mommy and Jackson...
The Beautiful Girls and Handsome Soldiers...

Daddy (Ben) dancing with Riley.

Ben and Angie "feeding" each other cake...lets just say that the bride WON!!!

Picture taken at the church, before the alcohol...

Daddy and Jackson once they got home...

Jackson smiling, but with tears in his eyes because he didn't want to go to bed...

We had a wonderful weekend with everyone. Joe was able to go out with the boys Thursday night drinking. I spent most of Saturday sipping on water and taking Motrin due to my drinking on Friday, but overall we enjoyed every bit of the wedding preperations, the ceremony and the reception that followed.

Posted by Jennifer

1 comment:

Angela said...

Love that you posted the pictures of a wonderful day. We had a great time and I was super excited that Bubba was able to be there too.

I would like copies of all the pictures you have from the wedding too. I do not have any on my camera. I just want as many pictures as possible.

Thank you again for being there with me.

Love ya