Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First fishing trip, boat ride, swim from the boat

Jackson is still a little too young to understand the fishing thing...too much like Mommy, I don't like to wait for the fish, I want to catch. I'm told that's why it's called fishing! Jackson loved the water. He jumped from the boat to Mommy, yes...I was in the water with him, but instructed Joe and my Dad that if any photo was taken of me in a bathing suit, they would have to walk home. They both were able to ride home in the truck.
My little fish!

Papa and Jackson

Enjoying the boat ride...

Ready to go fast!

Jackson kept telling Papa to go faster. I'm not sure who enjoyed the boat ride the most, Jackson or Papa or Joe and I. It was very nice to get the boat in the water, it's been almost two years since anyone has had it in the water.
Grandma Juju was not able to make this trip, we hope next time to have everyone.

Posted by Jennifer

1 comment:

Ruby and Don said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Just hang on to the fishing pole! Love ya, Mom P.