Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jackson's sunflower

We planted a couple of sunflower seeds the beginning of summer and they have grown quite tall. We were only able to make 2 out of the 6 grow, but grow they did. The tallest one began blooming a couple of days ago, I think Grandpa Bales had something to do with it. I do not have any luck making anything grow, but this sunflower is absolutely beautiful. Not as large as last year at my Mom and Dad's, but again, Grandpa Bales had a special touch on making anything grow and look beautiful.

It's hard to believe it's actually been one year since he has been gone and is missed so very much and thought about everyday.

Love you Grandpa!


Ruby and Don said...

Beautiful Sunflowers, he's still got the touch to make things blossom!

Angela said...

I love sunflowers too. They are beautiful.