Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Are trip to Florida was wonderful, here are some pictures...more coming soon...
Drawing of Jackson riding Shamu...

The pearl (7mm) that my Dad bought me, I had it mounted in a setting and a neckless being made for my pearl...thanks Dad! I love it!!!

Picture of Shamu that Joe took, he and Grandpa sat in the "Chicken Area" and Jackson and I sat in...of course, the front row!!! Nope...we didn't get soaked, not even wet enough for Joe to take a picture of us.

Poling family (minus one) in front of some waterfalls...

Grandpa and Jackson in front of more waterfalls at Sea World

Jackson riding his Harley with his Cowboy hat...

Playing in Venice, hunting for sharks teeth...yep, we found LOTS!!!

Posted by Jennifer


Angela said...

Well I know where I want to take the kids soon. Looks like you all had a wonderful time in Florida. I am very jealous that you made it there twice in such a short time. Love the pictures.

Love ya -
Angie and Family

Ruby and Don said...

Looks as fun as you were telling us, feeding the dolphins is my favorite! and of course all that beautiful blue water- paradise!