Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Visiting with Aunt Michelle...

We were able to visit with Michelle and Keith for a couple of hours before they headed back to PA from the Easter holiday.
Lets see, what do we do with the chip container once it's empty...well, of course, we should put it on our head. Thanks Aunt Michelle!!!

We all love you and were so happy to be able to see you for the afternoon. You look amazing!!! Keep up the good work, I'm very proud of you and how well you are doing!

Can't wait to see you again, this time lets make it just a little longer though. Love you sis.

Posted by Jennifer


Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture. . .What an attractive looking woman. . .and the kids not so bad either!

Ruby and Don said...

Michelle you look wonderful. Looks like you and Jackson had a great time too!

Visits with sisters are just too short when there are so many miles between them.

The Poling Family said...

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who knew that Michelle had posted a comment! Love you Michelle.

Michelle Jones said...

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. . . I would never post something so vain about myself. . . ok of course I would. Thanks Ruby! We did have a great time. I think short visits with Lumpy r good. It doesnt give her enough time to get on my nerves! Geeze sisters. . .who needs them.